One of my favourite shops in Ljubljana is a little boutique in the old part of town selling French label of childrens fashion called Poudre de Perlimpinpin. Behind this funny name, which roughly translates into "charlatan's 'magic' powder", is a line of very sweet and unique childrens clothes in vibrant colours and comfortable, soft fabrics.
The clother are usually quite pricey but this time they had a clearance sale of last year's winter collection and I was lucky to found this little dress for Lily, my one year old. I took size 18 months so it should fit her perfectly when the cold weather arrives -it is made of thick and soft cotton jersey, perfect for a winter playdate in the park.
The official Poudre de Perlimpinpin website is still under construction but you can see a few more photos on this blog, dedicated to designer labels of childrens fashion with that little extra something.
That has to be the sweetest little dress! Such lovely fun colors. :)