Sunday, 21 March 2010

Custom work

I was so thrilled when Alice, my first ever Etsy customer, contacted me for some custom work. It was the new Pupa bag that had caught her eye and she wanted a pouch to match. Some "convo brainstorming" later three more pouches came out, each made of different part of the colourful striped Basque canvas, adorned with trims, lace and embroidery.

Thank you, Alice, it was so much fun working on your custom order!


  1. Čudovita torbica ima zdaj čudovite dodatke. Vse skupaj ima še toliko večjo vrednost, ker je narejeno po dogovoru z uporabnico. Verjamem, da ji bosta oba artikla v veselje.

  2. These are all absolutely beautiful!!


Loddelina designs - since 2001

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