One of these projects was born quite unexpectedly when Inger from Ingermaaike listed a handmade "sales fairy" with a purpose of brightening up a rainy day and sending some good vibes to the shopowner who buys it...
Now, a month and a half later more than 40 sales fairies have flown from their creators to new homes, each buyer making their own fairy and listing it in their shop for the next team member to buy. The purchase often happens a few seconds after the fairy has been listed, because their activity is followed on EST forums with great interest, everybody wants to be a part of this chain.
Last Wednesday, while packing for my trip to Slovenia, I quickly logged on the EST forum, not intending to stay long, and was thrilled to find out that a new fairy is about to fly out. I quickly camped outside steinschmuckdesign's shop and caught the fairy the moment it was listed! I feel so lucky, not only because the sales fairy will help me with my shop but also because Michele has made such a beautiful job - I love it!

sales fairy by steinschmuckdesign
OK, what now? I've caught my fairy, now I have to make another one and send her out. The sooner the better, the girls said. And forgetting about all the packing and the work I still had to finish before I go on holiday, I quickly started making my fairy. An hour later Beeba was born, but it was already dark outside so I decided to wait until morning to take some pictures and list her in my shop. All I had to do the next day was drop a note on the EST forum about my fairy and seconds after she was listed another member snatched her up. Didn't I tell you she will bring me sales?

The Beeba sales fairy went to DeerLola and as far as I know one or two more have flown to their new homes since. You can see all the fairies made so far HERE - they are all a work of instant inspiration, made on a moment's notice because you never know when a chance to catch a fairy will come (and you can't list a fairy before you catch one yourself).
I wonder where this chain will end. While I wait for the package from Michele to arrive, I'm keeping a close eye on the EST forum to follow every step of this fairy tale...
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