One week away from my computer, just barely getting a chance to check my emails every day - and Loddelina gets featured in four Etsy treasuries, two of them making it to the Front Page!
The second FP was a treasury list I wasn't even aware of, made by DeerLola, and I only noticed the Front Page factor - an unexpected rise in item and shop hearts...
Thank you, Ina, for featuring my wooly Malina handbag!
Thank you, Ina, for featuring my wooly Malina handbag!
The last Treasury West feature includes my decorative heart again, this time in a very elegant and sparkly collection of items made by Michele from steinschmuckdesign - her Sales Fairy has arrived safely a few days ago and I will post some pictures of her in her new "working" station, when I get back home.
Thank you, Michele!
Thank you, Michele!
Congrats on all your features and making the front page! Very well deserved. :)