Saturday, 2 January 2010

A new start

I wish a happy Etsy new year to the fellow shop owners and, as this lovely treasury says, happy shopping to us all - I love shopping on Etsy, it is such a special experience!

New year brought a very nice surprise from Kallia from KalliasWonderland, who included my heart in this romantic collection of pasteles.

I couldn't resist also adding a few pictures from Kallia's shop, these ornaments are just so cute!


  1. Prav luštno je prebrati, da se tvoji izdelki še naprej pojavljajo med izbranimi zakladi. Upam, da se pozna tudi pri prodaji.
    Sicer pa si to tudi zaslužiš, saj so srčki in drugi izdelki res lepi.
    Naj se novo leto kar tako nadaljuje :)

  2. Naj ti 2010 prinese še več zakladov - Etsy-jevih in drugih.

  3. Thank you soooo much!!!! I love your blog :))


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