Thursday, 31 January 2013

Learn a new craft

A new year, a new craft, that is what Etsy blog suggested the other day. So I decided it was as good time as any to finally try to learn to crochet small flowers I have been wanting to add to my designs for a long time. My mother taught me crochet basics when I was a little girl but I haven't touched the hooks and yarn since...

However, with a little help from YouTube tutorials for beginners I learned to crochet several diffenent flowers in no time! First attempts were a bit awkward but after one week of crocheting I have over 40 flowers ready to be appliqued to my bags.

 trial and error

Tiny and small 5 petal flowers (6 petals are a result of a welcome mistake in counting)
You can find the tutorials HERE and HERE.

I also llike these ruffled flowers, perfect for adding pearls in the middle or plain and simple, resembling a chrysanthemum. Find the tutorial HERE.

Do you have and interesting crocheting tutorial? Please share!

Nauči se novo spretnost

Čas je že bil, da se končno naučim kvačkati rožice, s katerimi si že dolgo časa želim okrasiti moje torbice. Mama me je sicer že davno tega naučila osnov kvačkanja, pa sem do danes vse pozabila in tako   spet prvič prijela za kvačko. K sreči je na YouTube-u polno navodil za začetnike in tako sem se v enem tednu naučila kvačkati tri različne rožice in jih do zdaj naredila že čez 40. 
Zgornje, s petimi lističi (ali šestimi, kar se je zgodilo kot dobrodošla napaka pri štetju zank) sem naredila v dveh velikostih, spodnja, skuštrana, pa je še posebej zanimiva, ker jo lahko naredimo poljubno gosto, dodamo perlice, brez pa še najbolj spominja na krizantemo. 
Povezave so pod slikami, če imate tudi ve kakšno zanimivo kvačkarijo, jo prosim delite!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

New coin purses and a magazine feature

This week I have introduced new and improved coin purses to my shop. They are very practical little zippered pouches, perfect for your change and credit cards; 11 cm (4.5") wide, 10 cm (4") tall and 2.5 cm (1") deep with a handy split ring to attach them to the inside if your purse or to use as a key ornament. So far there are four coin purses in the shop, mostly with embroidery and lots of decorative lace and trims, but I will add more in the coming weeks.

And Loddelina was featured in the new, February edition of Slovenian monthly magazine for women, Vse za žensko. We did the interview over e-mails and my husband took the cover portrait of me sitting in my new sewing space (don't worry, it doesn't stay this neat for long...)

Ta teden sem v trgovino dodala štiri nove denarnice, majhne praktične torbice na zadrgo, široke 11 in visoke 10 centimetrov, z 2.5 cm globokim dnom. Vsaka ima tudi kovinsko zanko, s katero lahko denarnico pripnemo v notranjost torbice ali jo uporabimo kot obesek za ključe. 
V novi, februarski številki revije Vse za žensko je objavljena zgodba o Loddelini, intervju pa sem opravila kar prek mejlov. Za to priložnost me je mož slikal v mojem novem šivalnem kotičku (ki nikoli ne ostane tako lepo pospravljen za dolgo...)

Friday, 11 January 2013

New beginning

Happy New year to all my dear friends - I hope you have recharged your batteries over the holidays and are ready to face new challenges!

I am late with my first blog post of 2013, holidays were very busy, visiting family in Slovenia and, after coming back home, looking for our dear cat who went missing during our absence :-(
I only hope Tigrou will eventually find his way home (luckily he has a tattooed number in his ear) after perhaps spending "holidays" at some local cat lover who feeds strays...

Loddelina shop has reopened and I am offering my sets of little house ornaments at a sale price - see the shop for details. January will be spent reviewing my supplies, sourcing some fresh fabrics for spring projects and getting back to work - there will be new items in my shop soon!


Nov začetek

Srečno novo leto vsem mojim prijateljicam - upam, da ste si napolnile baterije in ste pripravljene na nove izzive!
S prvim zapisom v letu 2013 malce zamujam, saj so bile počitnice precej pestre, za povrh pa se nam je med našo odsotnostjo izgubil še muc, ki so ga čuvali sosedje. Upam, da se bo kmalu vrnil (k sreči je tetoviran) in da se je le začasno zatekel h kakšnemu prijaznemu skrbniku potepuških mačk...

Loddelinina trgovina je spet odprta, z novo, znižano ceno za male hiške okraske, januar pa bo v glavnem čas za pregled zalog blaga in drugih potrebščin, za nakup novih, spomladansko svežih tekstilij in za vrnitev k šivalnemu stroju - kmalu na svidenje!

Loddelina designs - since 2001

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