Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Crocheting towards Easter

A couple of years ago I tried to learn how to crochet with a help of many tutorials on YouTube. I have long been fascinated with crochet stones and wanted to give it a try. So far I have learned a few basic stitches and I have managed to incorporate my tiny crochet flowers in some of the handbag designs.

This week I found a lovely tutorial showing how to crochet a small stone or a glass bead into a pendant so I just had to try it out. The result are these glass pebbles and a new crochet stone that sits happily in the Easter basket on our dining table. What can I say - I am hooked!

Have a lovely Easter, everybody!

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Pred par leti sem se hotela naučiti kvačkati in s pomočjo YouTube-a se mi je uspelo naučiti nekaj osnovnih elementov, ki sem jih potem vključila v moje izdelke. 
Ta teden pa sem odktila še en video, ki prikazuje obkvačkanje manjšega kamna ali steklene kapljice v obesek - rezultat so tile stekleni kamenčki, zraven pa sem srajčko nakvačkala še za en večji kamen, ki zdaj čepi v velikonočni košarici na mizi. 

Loddelina designs - since 2001

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