Friday, 29 May 2015

New in my shop

I recently listed a couple of XL zipper pouches with, as I like to call them, wild tulips. I have always wanted to make my appliques a bit "messy", with not so neat stitching and not every thread in its place but each time I try to go a bit wild, my (otherwise very messy personality) pulls me back into clean, neat lines. I don't know why that is but having this in mind you might find the two tulips quite an achievement for me :-)

The third new listing is a hobo shoulder bag, made from rich olive green upholstery velvet (soft to the touch but very durable). I have sewn four little fishies on it (again, with clean&neat stitching) and then decorated them with some hand embroidery. The interior is my recent favourite botanical print from Ikea and as usually, the bag has a zippered interior pocket and a swivel hook.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend!


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Novo v trgovini:
Dve puščici na zadrgo z "divjima tulipanoma". Vedno sem si želela ustvariti takšne bolj scufane, neobdelane našitke, pa me moja sicer ne zelo redoljubna narava vedno usmeri v čiste, polikane, natančno obšite oblike, kjer stran ne štrli niti ena sama nitka. Ta dva tulipana sta torej, vsaj za moje pojme, precej divja :-)

Druga novost pa je malha Pupa, narejena iz olivno zelenega tapetniškega žameta, ki je mehak na otip, a zelo trpežen. Na torbi so našite štiri ribice (spet z zelo strogim obšivom), čez pa sem jih malo povezla na roko. Torba ima še notranji žep na zadrgo in kaveljček za ključe.

Vsem želim lep vikend!


Thursday, 7 May 2015

A little present

I've made some colourful little card holders and since every purse could use one to organize all the cards, coupons and such, I decided to include a FREE card holder with every purchase at my Etsy shop made this May and June!

The card holder can also be used to hold a little "survival" kit of band aids, aspirin, a safety pin and similar. So hurry up, the offer expires end of June!

Loddelina designs - since 2001

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