Friday, 9 December 2016

Christmas market

I am participating in a local Christmas creative market this Saturday and I will be offering most of my smaller purses, clutches and zipper pouches, plus some new pencil cases, house brooches and little stuffed animals I've made especially for this occasion.

I am spending my last evening making labels, preparing packaging material and my tiny stand
- I will let you know how it went in my next post...

Have a nice weekend!

Thursday, 5 May 2016

New in my shop

I just added this zipper pouch in light grey and silver faux leather with turquoise embroidery to my shop - the pouch measures 17 x 14 cm (6,8 x 5,5"), is lined with polkadot turquoise cotton and closes with a chunky metallic zipper.
Clink on this Instagram link to see a 15 sec lapse video of free motion embroidery I used to decorate the purse.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

April news

We've recently returned from a short spring break holiday in Slovenia. And it was real spring, with nature exploding in blossoms and rich green foliage, with lots of warm sun and outdoor play for children and Lisa the dog - it was her first visit back to Slovenia since we've adopted her in one of the local shelters last summer.

It was quite a shock coming back to our colder and much more wintry climate, here the trees are nowhere near green and the little tulips in my garden haven't even poked their heads out of the ground yet. 
We've gotten used to late spring by now, here on high altitude it always comes with a month's delay but nothing could have prepared us for this year's shock - snow. For the second morning this week we've woken up to a fresh blanket of frozen snow and the sound of early risers scratching ice off their windshields. 

I am trying in vain to motivate myself for sewing and in the meantime I reach for the watercolours and doodle a little into my sketch book. It's fun and very relaxing, it feels good to train forgotten skills again.

I hope you are enjoying a warmer spring,

until next time,

::  ::  ::

Take aprilske

Po tednu spomladanskih počitnic v topli, sončni in zeleno cvetoči Sloveniji, smo se prejšnji teden vrnili domov. Zdaj sem se že nekako privalidal na naše pozne, mrzle pomladi, ki s cvetovi zamujajo kar cel mesec, a letos je šla zima vseeno predaleč - danes zjutraj nas je že drugič ta teden pričakala odeja zmrznjenega snega in zjutraj sem se zbudila ob zvokih strganja ledu z avtomobilskih šip.
Medtem, ko čakam, da se vrne motivacija za šivanje, se rada zamotim z akvarelnimi barvicami, dobro dene malo obnoviti pozabljene veščine.
Upam, da imate kaj toplejšo pomlad, lep pozdrav do naslednjič!

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Ready for Easter

I am trying to get into a spring mood inspite of constant snow showers we've been having (at least the weather keeps my snow shoveling muscles nicely toned).

Spring might be far away but the first buds are starting to show - tulips already left for a new home but the water lily shoulder bag is still available in my Etsy shop.

These three bunny plushies were made as a gift for three siblings who don't care much for cats, my usual stuffed animal of choice. So I redesigned my kitten plushie a bit and, what do you know, it's Easter!

Loddelina designs - since 2001

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