Saturday, 1 July 2017

Thank you, teachers!

School year is almost over and for the last couple of months I have been very busy making personalised thank you presents for teachers - after I made a set of three pencil cases with applique and embroidery with a message "merci, maîtresse" (thank you, teacher) and the name of each pupil in the back, orders started coming in for more.

I enjoy going through my fabric scraps, ribbons and lace to make individual, unique fabric pictures - most are pencil cases and some smaller, card purses. Of course I have to make some for my children as well, I don't want their teachers to be left out...

After the next week I will put my Etsy shop on vacation mode over the summer - Loddelina will be back in September with new fabric and, of course, new back to school pencil cases.

I hope you have a great summer!

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Hvala, učiteljica

Šolsko leto je pri koncu in za mano sta dva meseca šivanja peresnic - daril za učiteljice ob koncu leta. Kmalu po tem, ko sem zašila prve tri peresnice, personalizirane z imenom učenca, sem dobila še nova naročila in tako je nastal cel kup tekstilnih slik iz koščkov blaga, trakcev in čipk, v izdelavi katerih sem zelo uživala.

Ko bo šola zaključena in darila predana, bom šla na počitnice in čez poletje saprla Etsy trgovino, v septembru se pa spet vidimo.
Lepo poletje želim vsem!

Loddelina designs - since 2001

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