This past weekend I have been working on some new tiny house Christmas ornaments and a custom Leelou bag, a smaller messenger style bag with adjustable shoulder strap and this is a result -
I used two colours of cotton webbing for the strap, a salmon orange corduroy and warm grey upholstery fabric for the body and I ecru coloured ric rac trim with pale blue embroidery and zipper for decoration. As I was taking the pictures of the bag yesterday, I couldn't keep Tigrou the cat away from my reflecting silver foil that I use for counter ligh - it makes a delightful swishing sound that made him constantly jump into the picture frame!
Tigrou is settling in very well, after three weeks of staying exclusively indoors I started showing him the outdoors. We had a few excursions together with him safely on the cat harness and leash. Now that he understands this is his new home, I can let him out of the house on his own for short intervals and after 15 minutes or so he comes miaowing back - the chilly autumn weather also helps him return faster - no amount of freedom can replace a warm spot by the fire...
Pretekli konec tedna sem izdelala nekaj novih hišk - božičnih okraskov in dokončala naročilo - torbico Leelou, manjšo torbo s poklopcem za nošenje preko rame.
Naramnica je izdelana iz dveh različnih barv, torbica pa je iz oranžnega rebrastega žameta in sivega tapetniškega blaga, okrašena s svetlim cik cak trakom ter bledo modro vezenino in zadrgo. Medtem ko sem torbico fotografirala, se mi je maček Tigrou kar naprej silil v kader, ker ga je privabljalo šelestenje srebrne folije, ki jo uporabljam za odboj svetlobe.
Tigrou se lepo privaja na novi dom, po treh tednih hišnega zapora sem ga začela počasi voditi na vrt, varno pripetega z oprsnico, zdaj pa ga lahko že spustim za krajši čas samega raziskovati okolico in po 15 minutak primijavka nazaj, mrzlo jesensko vreme ga prej prižene domov - svoboda ni nič v primerjavi s foteljem ob ognjišču...
Love the salmon and gray combo. Very beautiful! Nice to see a glimpse of the kitty and your absolutely gorgeous home as well. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Elisa! Maybe I chose the grey tabby cat because he fits in our our home nicely... No, just joking, but it is true he goes well with all the black, white, grey and taupe tones, hehe.
DeleteMe veseli, da muc ve, kje je doma in se hitro vrača :) našega še kar ne spuščamo redno ven, je bolj salonska živalca. Mala pa je prava podivjana zverca :)
ReplyDeleteTorbica pa je lepa. Kot vedno tvoje. So mi všeč vsi premišljeni detajli, zaradi katere so tvoje torbice tako uporabne.
Hvala, Sonja! Maček odkriva svobodo, a zaenkrat je okolica hiše čisto gola, zato se kar malo bojim, da se nima kam skriti, če bi ga presenetil pes. Je pa že pregnal sosedovega mačka, ki se je prišel pofočkat na naš vrt - da se ve, kdo je novi gazda!
DeleteThe bag is wonderful, and I loved seeing Tigrou!!! :)
ReplyDeleteAdorable and lucky kitty!
Thank you, have a great weekend!
Deletetejle mucki se pa gode... jo kar slišim kako prede ... mimogede, lušna torbica