Unfortunatelly it is a bit too expensive for such a project but a few smaller purses and pouches will look quite cheerful adorned with little deer, foxes, birds and snowflakes. Is it too early to start thinking of autumn?
Here are first two bags I made, one XL zipper pouch and one small, elegant clutch for an evening out. Every little bit of this rich fabric seems too precious to cut out, I trace my patterns carefully to get the best composition possible and not waste anything. More forest wonderland soming soon!
Zaljubljena sem v tale žakard, ki sem ga našla nikjer drugje kot v naši lokalni trgovini z metražo - čudovite barve in motivi srnic, ptic, lisic in snežink - a je še prezgodaj za jesenske misli?
Zaenkrat sem v trgovino dodala dve torbici, eno večjo, drugo manjšo, večerno, kmalu se jima pridruži še kakšna!