Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Oh, deer!

I love this beautiful upholstery jacquard I recently found in our local fabric shop, of all places - the gorgeous colours and fun woodland motifs, who wouldn't want a nice comfy armchair upholstered with it?

Unfortunatelly it is a bit too expensive for such a project but a few smaller purses and pouches will look quite cheerful adorned with little deer, foxes, birds and snowflakes. Is it too early to start thinking of autumn?

Here are first two bags I made, one XL zipper pouch and one small, elegant clutch for an evening out. Every little bit of this rich fabric seems too precious to cut out, I trace my patterns carefully to get the best composition possible and not waste anything. More forest wonderland soming soon!

Zaljubljena sem v tale žakard, ki sem ga našla nikjer drugje kot v naši lokalni trgovini z metražo - čudovite barve in motivi srnic, ptic, lisic in snežink - a je še prezgodaj za jesenske misli?
Zaenkrat sem v trgovino dodala dve torbici, eno večjo, drugo manjšo, večerno, kmalu se jima pridruži še kakšna!

Monday, 8 June 2015

Purse tree

A purse tree is a magical plant which I use to grow all my purses on :-)

Last week it produced two zipper pouches in silver faux leather, a present for two birthday girls we had dinner with on Saturday. There is a similar purse available in my shop at the moment so have a look while I go and water my purse tree!

V mojem vrtu raste posebno drevo, na katerem poganjajo torbice :-) Prejšnji teden sem pobrala dve puščici iz srebrnega umetnega usnja na zadrgo, darilci za dve slavljenki sobotnega rojstnega dne. Podobna puščica je trenutno na voljo tudi v moji trgovini - medtem, ko si jo pogledate, grem jaz zalit moje drevesce!

Monday, 1 June 2015

Days of the week

The school year is almost over but my little first grader still gets confused about which day of the week it is - part of the reason is the French system with four and a half school days (half being the Saturday morning) with Wednesday as a day off school. The Saturday morning was added this year (consequently, other four days now have shorter afternoon classes).

To help my daughter tell days of the week correctly I made her this little banner with paper flags (7 cm high), sewn together with a piece of lace trim (I use old, worn out sewing needles for sewing on paper). Every morning when she gets down to breakfast, she will move the little bird pin one day forward. 

Happy Monday, everybody!

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Šolsko leto gre h koncu, moja prvošolka pa še vedno ne ve točno, kateri dan v tednu je - zmedena je, ker ima francoski sistem štiri šolske dneve in pol (polovička je v soboto dopoldan), v sredo pa ni pouka. Da bi ji pomagala, sem hčerki izdelala koledarček iz papirnatih zastavic (visokih 7 cm), skupaj sešitih s čipkastim trakom (za šivanje papirja uporabljam stare, rabljene šivalne igle). Zdaj vsako jutro pri zajtrku premakne ptička / ščipalko za en dan naprej.

Lep ponedeljek vam želim!

Loddelina designs - since 2001

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