Friday, 31 August 2012

I'm back!

But not quite yet - my future sewing room is still burried under piles of boxes, things somehow didn't organise themselves while I was on holiday, sigh...

I am back to work, though, the Etsy shop is reopened and waiting for new designs (soon, I promise!) and in the meanwhile I am giving some old pieces of furniture a new look. Our future guest room / my sewing room is a mix of furniture in different colours of wood that don't really match, so I decided to paint one of them in warm gray - I will use its shelves for storing my fabrics and other sewing material. I can't wait to show you the results!

And while I spend these rainy afternoons in the garage, with sandpaper and painting roller, I like to take a break with a cup of green tea, flipping through the pages of September issue of Glamour to get aquainted with the latest trends, just in case. (I am not sure if my designs ever reflect fashion trends, I am more likely to follow day to day inspirations).

See you soon,
Have a great weekend!

Turning beechwood colour into warm grey that will go better with my soft lime green walls.
Barva bukovega lesa se preminja v toplo sivo, ki bo šla lepše k novi steni v nežni limetino zeleni.

Rain, rain and more rain
Dež, dež in spet dež.

Sem že nazaj!

Čeprav še ne popolnoma - moja prihodnja šivalnica je še vedno zakopana v kupe škatel, ki se nekako niso hotele spraviti v red, medtem, ko sem bila na počitnicah...

Sem pa nazaj v elementu, Etsy trgovinica je spet odprta in čaka na nove izdelke (kmalu, obljubim!), jaz pa medtem predelujem nekatere stare kose pohištva. Bodoča soba za goste / moja šivalnica je namreč mešanica omar iz različnih koncev, vsak kos je v drugačni barvi lesa, ki se med seboj ne razumejo najbolje, zato sem se odločila, da eno od omar prebarvam v toplo sivo - uporabila jo bom za shranjevanje blaga in drugega šivalnega materijala. Komaj čakam, da vam pokažem rezultate!

In medtem ko deževne popoldneve preživljam v garaži s "šmirgl" papirjem in čopičem v roki, si rada vzamem odmor ob skodelici zelenega čaja in ob listanju septembrske številke Glamourja, da se seznanim z najnovejšimi smernicami, za vsak primer. (Nisem prepričana, da moje delo odraža modne trende, sama raje sledim trenutnemu navdihu).

Se vidimo kmalu,
En lep vikend želim!

Friday, 3 August 2012

August news

Hello, my friends,

our move is still very much on the way, there are boxes of stuff everywhere in the house and I am slowly making sense of it, finding the right place for everything and throwing as much as I can away (the hardest part for me since I am a gatherer by nature...). I have managed to organise the rooms we use the most but my sewing room is still one big pile of boxes, waiting to be sorted out when I return from my summer holidays...

Here is a glimpse of our new home, the house is a modern, energy saving square wooden structure with lively coloured exterior and a flat roof. So far I am trying to grow some grass in one part the garden for children's play but most of our land is still untamed wilderness that will have to wait for an experienced gardener with some serious tools and knowledge in weed control. Our row of houses is situated next to cycling/walking path and many beautiful field flowers grow along that path - Lily picked me this lovely bouquet yesterday (she turned 4 yesterday but the big birthday celebration is schedulled for next week in Slovenia).
We like to enjoy our late afternoons on the sunny terasse in front of our living room but will have to wait another year or so before the land sets in completely and we can build something on the pebbles (pictured here with my favourite if completely warn down summer shoes).

And in all this moving and cleaning frenzy I didn't notice that my Etsy shop celebrated it's 3rd anniversary last week! The shop is on slow mode these days and I am grateful to all who include my items in their beautiful treasuries - thank you! After this weekend I will have to put the shop on standby until the end of August, when I return with fresh ideas for new designs.

Have a lovely weekend and see you soon!

Loddelina designs - since 2001

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