Sunday, 30 September 2012

Work in progress

There are some half finished Mia zipper pouches on my sewing table this weekend,
a revisit of my favourite materials, darker wool cloth with brighter silk patches, lace trims and freehand machine embroidery. I love drawing with thread and these autumn branches, sometimes adorned with beads and sometimes bare, go very well with cotton lace trim, they remind me of traditional, ethnic motifs of Slavic heritage.

If all goes well I should have these pouches in my shop on Tuesday.

Enjoy your sunday!

V delu

Na moji šivalni mizi je nekaj na pol končanih žepkov na zadrgo Mia, v že videni
+++ kombi777777777jyi788888naciji (Tigr, spravi se dol z moje tipkovnice!) volnenega blaga v temnejših tonih in svetlejše svile, okrašene s čipko in prostoročno strojno vezenino. Rada rišem z nitjo in te jesenske vejice, včasih gole, včasih pošite s koraldami, se lepo ujemajo s čipko, spominjajo me na etnične motive slovanske kulturne dediščine.

Če bo šlo vse po načrtih, bodo nove torbice v trgovini ta torek.
Lepo nedeljo želim!

Friday, 21 September 2012

No more a pet-free studio!

Loddelina designs are no longer made in a pet-free studio - as from Tuesday we are a family of five, the youngest member is a warm grey tabby we adopted from the local animal shelter.

His shelter name is Bourriquet, French for Eeyore from Winnie The Pooh, but we don't find him depressed and cynical at all, quite the opposite, he is the friendliest, cuddliest cat I have ever had (and I've had many...). For now he goes by the name of Tigger (Tigrou in French) but if my daughter is anything like I was at her age, the cat will have 15 different nicknames by Christmas. Tigrou is a castrated, 2 something years old male and he is already feeling very comfortable in his new home. We have to keep him indoors for about a month until he understands this is his new home and can be let out in the garden.


... and after  
... in potem

Tigrou gets a bit bored at times because he was used to share his space with at least 20 other shelter cats so he amuses himself by running up and down the stairs and chasing some toys I sewed for him, filled with catnip. He follows us everywhere around the house and demands to be cuddled - at night he sleeps in my sewing room, otherwise he would climb into our beds and smother us with kisses so we wouldn't be able to sleep...

::  ::  ::  

Loddelina ne ustvarja več v brezmačjem studiu, v torek se je naša družina povečala na pet članov, zadnji dodatek je peščeno siv tigrast maček, ki smo ga posvojili iz bližnjega zavetišča za živali.

Ime mu je Bourriquet oz. Sivček iz knjige Medvedek Pu, a se nam ne zdi nič kaj otožen in ciničen, ravno nasprotno, je najbolj prijazna in crkljiva mačka, kar sem jih kdaj imela (in imela sem jih že veliko...). Zaenkrat sliši na ime Tigr (Togrou po Francosko), a če mi je moja hči kaj podobna, bo imel maček do Božiča vsaj 15 različnih nadimkov. Tigrou je kastriran in star nekaj čes 2 leti, v novem domu pa se počuti že zelo udobno. V hiši mora ostati zaprt kakšen mesec, dokler ne bo razumel, da je to njegov novi dom in ga bomo lahko spustili tudi na vrt.

Tigrou se včasih malce dolgočasi, ker je bil v zavetišču vajen bivati z vsaj 20 drugimi mačkami, zato se pri nas zabava tako, da dirka gor in dol po stopnicah in se podi za igračkami, ki sem mu jih zašila in napolnila z mačjo travo. Povsod nam sledi in zahteva božanje - ponoči zato spi v moji šivalnici, sicer bi skakal po posteljah in nas zasipaval s poljubčki, da sploh ne bi mogli spati...

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Custom wristlet

I just listed a custom wristlet in red corduroy and striped canvas with a removable strap and an interior zippered pocket - this cheerful combination of red, plum, orange and teal colours seems to be very popular...

This is the first item I photographed in our new home but the setting stays the same;
natural light withour direct sunlight,
a table or a flat chair, placed close to the window,
two different neutral cardboards for background (I prefer placing white or cream white on the bottom and another, slightly darker in the back)
and a light reflecting foil that reduces dark shadows (a "survival blanket", thin silver/gold foil you can find in any sports and leisure shop, that I attached to a piece of cardboard).

I shoot all my item pictures with a small compact camera Canon IXUS 85 IS that has been faithfully serving me for these past three years. I have to adjust contrast, hue and saturation in PhotoShop, mainly because some fabrics are more difficult to capture in true colours than others, as is the case with this bright red corduroy, but good pictures are the most important feature in shoping online, right?

I hope you are having a nice Wednesday,

Till next time!

Torbica po meri

Pravkar sem v trgovino dodala novo "zapestnico" iz rdečega rebrastega žameta in črtastega platna, s snemljivim ročajem in notranjim žepkom na zadrgo - ta živahna kombinacija rdečih, purpurnih, oranžnih in turkiznih tonov je očitno zelo priljubljena...

To je prvi izdelek, ki sem ga fotografirala v novi hiši, vendar ostaja seznam fotografskih pripomočkov enak;
naravna svetloba brez direktnih sončnih žarkov,
miza ali stol, postavljen blizu okna,
dva različna kartona v nevtralnih tonih za ozadje (za podlago imam najraje belo ali skoraj belo, za ozadje pa nekoliko temnejšo barvo)
in svetlobo odbijajoča folija, ki zmehča temne sence (uporabljam na karton pritrjeno srebrno/zlato folijo, ki se kot odeja za primer nesreče dobi v trgovinah s športno in pohodniško opremo)

Vse fotografije izdelkov posnamem z majhnim Canonom IXUS 85 IS, ki mi zvesto služi zadnja tri leta. V PhotoShopu moram sicer malce popraviti barvo, kontrast in nasičenost, a predvsem zato, ker je nekatere tekstilije težje fotografirati kot druge, a verodostojne fotografije so najpomembnejši del spletne prodaje, ne?

Imejte se,
čau do naslednjič!

Loddelina designs - since 2001

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