Friday 21 December 2012

Happy happy

Hello, dear friends of Loddelina,

Holidays are ahead and I wish you all a lovely time with your family and loved ones. Have a fabulous new year and I am looking forward to seeing you in 2013 - may it be a great year for creativity!


Dragi prijatelji Loddeline,
počitnice so tu in želim vam lepe praznike v krogu najbližjih, hkrati pa se veselim, da vas spet vidim v novem letu - naj bo 2013 leto ustvarjalnosti!


  1. Hi Damjana! Long time no talk!

    Is that your kitty punching you in the face? Ha =)

    I really need to stop by and get me another house keychain, my other one is about done. If you wanna trade soon, let me know!

    Merry Christmas to you as well!!

    1. We adopted that cat when we moved into our new house (yay!) this past summer. He is very cuddly and sweet, patient with the kids though they can be a bit rough sometimes, poor kitty...
      A trade with Olive? Oh, yes, I will get back to you!

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Much peace, joy!

    1. Thank you, Elisa, I hope your holiday weather warms up and lets you wear sandals again :-)


Loddelina designs - since 2001

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