Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Crochet lace covered stone

Holidays are a perfect time for crocher experiments so I took my crochet hooks with me to Slovenia this week. I must have been the only one in the whole train not playing with an iPad or reading a book on Kindle but instead happily occupied with my analog entertainment, crochet.

I have long admired crochet lace covered stones on Etsy and wanted to give it a try myself. That meant going beyond the basic crochet flower and learning new stitches to cover the entire front of the stone.

I improvised a lot and managed to come to the other side of the stone, where I used a temporary yellow thread to tighten the loose hooks and then crochet around it to finish the cover. 
Pictured with the finished stone is a beautiful ceramic plate, made by a fellow Etsy artist Tika.

V kvačkano čipko oblečeni kamni
Že od nekdaj na Etsyju občudujem v čipkaste mojstrovine oblečene okrogle kamne, zato sem se odločila, da še sama poskusim narediti kaj podobnega. Najprej sem se morala naučiti še nekaj vbodov poleg osnovnih rožic, da napolnim celo zgornjo ploskev kamna, sledilo je veliko improviziranja in prispela sem na spodnjo ploskev, kjer sem zanke povlekla skupaj in jih obkvačkala. Krožniček na sliki je delo ustvarjalke Tike


  1. Žal mi je, da je bil moj teden tako pester. Ampak verjamem, da si se imela lepo. Upam, da se kmalu vrneš in se takrat uspeva srečat.
    Kamen pa prav lepo zgleda.

  2. Ahhh Lodelina, this is lovely! I know how much fun it is to crochet over stones, I made so many and my husband jokingly says, that I am making sweaters for the stones.

    Your first stone with the lace crochet is absolutely beautiful and the closing on the back is a very smart idea, because I did it the stretching way and later found that the thread will break if stretched too much.

    I really hope you will make more and maybe incorporate also pieces of fabric. So far, this I never did. You are very talented, everything you try comes out lovely and executed so well. I love that!

    Weekend is ahead and I wish you a wonderful and spring sunny one - maybe you go stone hunting with the kids? :-)

    1. Thank you for your sweet words, Yael, I am considering adding these lace crochet designs to my bags, who knows where it will take me... Have a sunny weekend!

    2. There will be no stone picking this weekend, there is a cold and rainy weather back home ...

  3. Damjana, I could not find an e-mail - have a look here:


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