Saturday, 29 March 2014

Faux leather messenger

As I promised in my last post, I tried something new and made a messenger bag from a piece of high quality upholstery faux leather I had bought recently. Sewing was smooth as butter and I was surprised at how naturally the pleather looks and feels - definitely worth trying!

I decided to make this messenger a bit taller than my usual cross body bags (3 cm) but otherwise the same, with extra metallic zipper pocket in the back. Soft grey strap complemented the metalware and I decided to add a simple freefoot embroidery in front - with a bit of silver metallic thread for additional shine.

The messenger bag has four interior slip pockets for phone, tissues, pens and paper notebook (yes, I still use one of those for quick sketches or for entertaining children while we wait at the restaurants and such) plus one zippered pocket for smaller items. A swivel hook and another D-ring on the side of the lining hold my keys and a foldable shopping bag.

The leather is lovely dark brown shade, one that goes equally well with brown, grey or black accessories. I needed a bag that was a bit more neutral than my lively red velvet with turquoise starfish I have been wearing for this past year - I never even posted that bag on blogger so here it is:

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Monday, 17 March 2014


A long time has passed since my last post, there was some sad personal business to attend to and before I knew it, the spring had sprung!

Those of you who follow me on Instagram or Facebook know that we were blessed with beautiful sunny weather these past two weeks and when spring calls, I answer! That means spending lots of time outdoors, eating lunch on the terrace, planning the new gardening season and keeping our cat Luna out of mischief (she likes to play in our neighbour's flower bed and explores their garage every time it stays open for two minutes).

I haven't felt like sewing these past few months but I couldn't stay away from my creative space for long. This past weekend, inspired by Apartment Therapy post, I tried making a bird mobile. I made my composition simpler to fit the corner of our living room and I decided to paint my birds in grey ombré...

I hope to be back with new Loddelina projects soon, if anything can get you in the mood for creating, it's Mother Nature's own creations!

Have a wonderful spring!

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Dolgo je že od mojega zadnjega javljanja, vmes sem imela nekaj žalostnih osebnih opravkov, medtem pa je v deželo prišla pomlad in že dva tedna uživamo v krasnem, toplem soncu. To pomeni, da več časa preživljam zunaj, z otroki kosimo na terasi, načrtujemo novo vrtnarsko sezono in čuvamo, da muca Luna ne zaide v težave - zelo rada namreč raziskuje sosedov vrt in garažo... 
Za bolj ažurna javljanja me lahko spremljate na Facebooku ali Instagramu, obljubim, da se kmalu oglasim z novimi Loddelininimi kreacijami.

Lepo pomlad želim vsem!

Loddelina designs - since 2001

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