I added three new XL zipper pouches with a starfish applique (that one always makes me smile and made from soft corduroy it feels nice to touch as well). I was able to use some leftover cotton canvas from my university days when we experimented with dyeing - that is why I like to work on smaller purses, there is always an opporunity to use those pretty little scraps of fabric I find difficult to throw away...
A friend of mine asked for a custom faux leather messenger - she wanted bright green interior and a cheerful embroidery on the front - with the word Hope. Perfect for spring!
Čakajoč na pomlad
Zunaj meter snega, v meni pa že želja po svetlih pastelih in spomladanskih motivih. Zadnje tri puščice, ki sem jih dodala v trgovino, imajo našito morsko zvezdo iz mehkega rebrastega žameta, ki ga je užitek pobožati. Uporabila sem tudi nekaj ostankov blaga, ki smo ga ročno barvali še na fakulteti, vedno mi je žal zavreči lepe koščke tkanin... Torba iz umetnega usnja pa je nastala za prijateljico, ki ima rada živo zeleno barvo in je želela poseben izvezen motiv z besedo Upanje.
I too have been sewing with spring fabric and wishing for warmer days...frogs croaking and birds singing...It can't come to soon. :) Love your work!
Thank you, Denise :-)