Saturday, 23 March 2013


I have been working on a custom order bag this week (and it will be finished tomorrow, I promise) but I couldn't stop myself from going back to my crochet hooks in between cutting and sewing.

After my first attempt at crochet flowers a month ago I got completely hooked and this past week I have been working with the tiny hook number 1 and some skinny ecru cotton yarn to make lacy crochet flowers and rosettes. I can't read crochet patterns and have only learned the basics from internet tutorials  so I am making up stiches as I go.
I did find one very user-friendly tutorial at a blog writen by a pattern analphabet like myself  - Mandy writes a delightfully simple tutorial for a very sweet flower HERE and you can see the final results in my blurry iPod picture below (the little flower on the lower right corner of the right photo).

Ta teden šivam torbo po meri (več v naslednjem postu), a si ne morem kaj, da ne bi vsake toliko časa sedla k mojim kvačkam. Odkar sem pred kratkim spet pogruntala kvačkanje rožic, sem čisto ujeta in moj zadnji projekt so čipkaste rozetke, kvačkane z mini kvačko št. 1. TULE najdete link do še posebej enostavnega opisa izdelave luštne rožice - opis je zlasti za takšne kot jaz, ki ne znamo brati kvačkarskih hieroglifov.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Easter eggs

I am loooonging for spring, so much more since mother nature sent another shippment of snow when we were all ready for flowers instead.

I started with Easter decorations this weekend, I blowed out some eggs (for the very first time, turns out it is very easy) but wasn't sure how I wanted to decorate these empty shells. At the end I decided to leave them naturally brown and make some paper hangings instead.

A while ago I picked up a couple of old, yellowing books at the local antique store. For paper Easter eggs I ripped out some pages and leaving them together, drew my egg shape in pencil and then sewed down the middle with my sewing machine. The thread kept tangling up so I ended up piercing only the holes with my sewing machine's needle and later sewing the line by hand. (Needless to say, pardon the pun, I had to replace my needle later as paper sewing damages it too much for fabric use).

Once the sewing was done, I left a longer piece of thread on top to attach the egg and then I cut the shape out. I carefully folded all the pages up and sorted them evenly around the centre. One may use more sheets of paper to create a thickly layered egg or use less and glue them together alternating between top and bottom to get the accordion effect.

The three paper eggs hang from our dining table pendent lamp and the three natural egg shells ended up  in a little wire basket, on top of some paper straw and cuttings from the same book pages, accompanied by a pink pot flower.

Happy decorating!

Velikonočna jajčka
Že kar meša se mi od pričakovanja pomladi, zunaj pa spet nova pošiljka snega! Kljub temu se ne dam in sem se prejšnji vikend lotila velikonočnega okraševanja jedilne mize. Na visečo svetilko nad mizo sem obesila tri papirnata jajčka, izrezana iz porumenelih listov stare knjige, zašitih skupaj, izpihane jajčne lupine pa sem položila v žičnato košarico, postlano s papirnato slamo in izrezki iz iste knjige.
Veselo okraševanje!

Friday, 15 March 2013

Bag loving blogs Blog Hop

Christine, a talented blogger from ChrisW Designs blog suggested this blog hop, a wonderful way for all bag makers to get to know eachother.
If you wish to join, follow Christine's instructions:

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What do you have to do? It's easy! (Please note links now require approval due to spamming :( so will be approved after all 3 steps have been carried out! Please make sure your blog has posts about BAGS!)
Step 1) Just add your blog link below by clicking on the "Click here To Enter" link and follow the easy steps to add your blog!
*Step 2) IMPORTANT! Click on the "Get the code here" link shown to grab your copy of the code and add it to your blog! Please include these instructions so that new members will know what to do! :)
*Step 3) Grab this button: (Right Click and Save)
and pop it in your sidebar linking to your Bag Lovin Blog Hop post so that we can leave this blog hop open and people can keep finding it and hopping on! :) 
After all 3 steps have been completed, your link will be approved and added to the blog hop! :)
That's it! :)
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Happy hopping!

Poziv vsem "torbičarkam"!

Če želite sodelovati v tej blogovski izmenjavi, sledite navodilom, ki jih najdete na zgornji povezavi in se pridružite rastočemu seznamu blogov ter spoznajte še druge sorodno kreativne duše. Hop!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013


After I posted my last story about learning how to crochet again, the flu season came around and between nursing my children and myself for weeks, everything had to be put on hold...

But I am back, with some fresh, colourful items in my shop, which is better than a vitamin shot as far as I am concerned.

First I finished the bag I started working on before I fell ill - it is a small shoulder bag Pippa, adorned with freshly picked crochet flowers. It felt strange to pick up my work after a month's pause, I am not yet sure what to think of it but as every new thing it needs time to set in. I have made some new, vibrant crochet flowers in the meantime and I am determined to give it another try.

And last week, to my great surprise, one of Loddelina items made it to Etsy's front page! Features of this kind have been few and far between so I was delighted to see how much attention little coin purse got afterwards, there were tons of hearts and shop views. So many in fact that I decided to make more of this reverse star applique design - and here they are, four new coin purses in my shop since last night.

four new coin purses are now available in my shop

I wish you all a great week ahead!

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Kmalu po moji zadnji objavi nas je ujela epidemija gripe in ko sem končno pozdravila sebe in otroka, je bil naokrog ves mesec. Zdaj sem spet v formi, z novimi pisanimi torbicami v trgovini. Najprej sem dokončala torbico Pippa, okrašeno z mojimi kvačkanimi rožicami - hecno, po enomesečni prekinitvi mi prvotna ideja nekako ni več sedla v srce, a za prvi poskus bo v redu, čaka me še cel kup novo nakvačkanih rožic in odločena sem, da bom poskusila še enkrat.
Zadnji teden pa se je zgodil manjši čudež, moja mala denarnica z zvezdo je prišla na Etsyjevo prvo stran, kar se ni pripetilo že celo večnost, zato sem še toliko bolj vesela vseh srčkov in obiskov trgovine, ki so sledili. Odločila sem se, da hitro zašijem še nekaj novih barvnih inačic zvezde in zdaj so tukaj, v moji trgovini.
Lep teden želim vsem skupaj!

Loddelina designs - since 2001

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