Saturday, 7 May 2011


Did you have a nice Saturday?

Ours was spent picknicking by lake Saint Point, enjoying the perfect sunny day. It was windy and the calm breeze made us stay in the high altitude sun a bit too long - by lunch time we were already quite dizzy so the children had a rest in our comfy foldable beach hut.
We tried to fly a kite, the wind seemed right but kite flying turned out to be harder than it looks - especially when there are two children pulling at the kite's strings...

Lake Saint Point is a very popular place for surfers, sailing boats and picknicking families - children like playing in the grass, on the sandy beach or even wetting their feet in cold water. It is always a good idea to bring a change of clothes...

I hope to sew a bit tomorrow, I had plans to strat working on another hipster bag yesterday but then made this little plush toy for my son instead. He says he doesn't like to dream at night so I made him a small stuffed crocodile that will stay under his pillow and eat up all the dreams - a sort of dreamcatcher but very strict one since Gaston doesn't like dreams at all, not even nice ones...

I wish you a lovely rest of the weekend!


  1. What a wonderful way to spend your saturday!

    Love that dream devouring crocodile!

  2. Super dnevi!
    Tale dinozaver je pa tako luštkan, da bi ga vsak imel pod blazino!


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