Saturday, 12 June 2010

New in my shop

Phew, after some friendly persuasion my sewing machine is willing to cooperate again and this is what we made: four new zipper pouches.

I redesigned a Ma-ma zipper pouch I once made for myself - for carrying around an emergency nappy change for my daughter. I found it so much easier to take only the small pouch with a couple of fresh nappies, a small packet of wet wipes and some barrier cream when I have to quickly change my toddler in a public change room or toilet.

The pouch can be also used to store some of your essentials that you keep in the car or office desk: some tissues, a packet of gum, a small notebook, a flashlight, some band aid, tampons... and of course, an emergency chocolate bar!

I have made four colourful pouches so far - in case you want one with yours or your child's name on it I can make you a custom pouch of your choice with some personalized freehand machine embroidery.

The new Loddelina pouch is called Nini, which is how my daughter Lily calls herself. These days she is quite down, mostly sleeping or cuddling in my arms with high fever and angina.
Get well soon, Nini!


  1. Pouches are beautiful!
    Get well soon, Nini.

  2. Luštne priročne torbice so nastale. Všeč mi je, da čeprav po istem kroju izgledajo tako zelo različne, zaradi različno kombiniranih vzorcev. Upam, da bodo všeč tudi obiskovalcem tvojega etsyja.
    Mali Nini pa želim, da čimprej ozdravi. Že vreme je čisto preveč vroče, kako mora bit naporno šele z vročino.

  3. The pouches are all very lovely!! I most like the one with the blue and white stripes!

  4. Ampak veš kaj me pa vseeno zanima.. si tele torbice enoplastne ali si jih podložila?

  5. hej, Sonja,
    nič niso dodatno podložene, obliko drži zunanja tkanina, ki je malce močnejše platno, znotraj je pa tanjša bombažna tkanina (hvala, ga. Ikea...)

  6. Hih, saj to sem pravzaprav mislila, dve plasti blaga. Kolikor se vidi na slikah, so vse tvoje torbice res lepo izdelane.

  7. Beautiful new pouches! Love how the different fabrics work together.

    Wishing little Nini gets well soon!


Loddelina designs - since 2001

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