Saturday 25 September 2010

My creative space

I admit I am not the most organized person around (understatement of the month!) and it shows in the way I stock my supplies (so far I still manage to keep the new order installed recently) and in the way I design the sewing patterns for my bags...

Pictured here are a few of my old patterns, scattered on the floor - my only clear surface at the time this photo was taken. When I am designing a new bag, I draw the pattern on any available piece of paper. Sometimes I use cardstock, label all the pieces of the new pattern and neatly tie them together with a piece of string. And some other time I might use any sheet of paper that is large enough, even a page of a newspaper, and quickly make some notes and a more or less accurate sketch of the bag.

Organized or not, I like my folder of sewing patterns (yes, I have enough sense to keep them all in a large cardboard folder). Whenever I am looking for an inspiration or a little motivation push to make a new bag, I go through these old and tattered pieces of paper - and every time I am amazed at how many different purses, bags and pouches I have made so far.

It is time to design a new bag!


  1. This is awesome! You have such a lovely blog!
    Boho Market Blog

  2. Can't wait to see what you create next! xoxo Donna

  3. How funny, I have a folder full of very similar made templates, seriouly looks just like your pile (different designs of course)! Great minds think alike =)

  4. I am so curious to see the next new bag Damjana!
    Have a nice Sunday!

  5. Hehe, ko bi videla moj kotiček :)))) bi imela takoj boljše mnenje o lastni organiziranosti. Vsakič, ko se spravim pospravljat, me potegne kak nedokončan projekt. Danes naj bi šivala.. rob na hčerinih hlačah, šiv na mojih.. pa kaj novega bi bilo treba zašit.. mene pa ves čas pospravljanja s šiviljskega pulta, da najdem do šivalni strojev, postrani gleda zadnja na pol narejena sončna deklica. Presnete oči, kot da mi sledijo ves čas :)))))))))))))))
    Jaz kroje za manjše reči dostikrat narišem na ostanke paspartujev in jih obesim na kaveljček. Mi je všeč, ko jih vidim tam viseti. Skice pa so po vseh blokih, tudi službenih... ko sestanki zaidejo v slep kot, čečkam in čakam, da se vrnemo k temi :))))
    Komaj čakam, da pokažeš novo torbico.

  6. Your pile looks a lot like mine - drawn on bits of paper and cereal boxes! I have my pieces clipped together with big clips but would love to find a better way to keep them organized. :)


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