Friday, 21 December 2012

Happy happy

Hello, dear friends of Loddelina,

Holidays are ahead and I wish you all a lovely time with your family and loved ones. Have a fabulous new year and I am looking forward to seeing you in 2013 - may it be a great year for creativity!


Dragi prijatelji Loddeline,
počitnice so tu in želim vam lepe praznike v krogu najbližjih, hkrati pa se veselim, da vas spet vidim v novem letu - naj bo 2013 leto ustvarjalnosti!

Friday, 7 December 2012


Busy, crazy and fabulous december is here and I am sorry it took me so long to find time for this post.

I had to prepare the advent calendar for the children - we made the frame last year so I only had to find interesting little surprises (that were not all chocolate) to put into the red paper bags. Besides that there was a lot of snow shoveling going on, this week we've had 30 cm of fresh snow and it is still coming down strong, they are predicting another 30 cm over the weekend...

My instagram gallery shows the begining of snowy season, the view from my window is much whiter as I write this post. Tigrou the cat likes to play in the snow to a certain point (the snow now reaches up to his ears) but once his paws get cold he is happy to spend the next few hours sleeping by the fireplace. And there is nothing better than watching the snow outside while enjoying a cup of coffe by the cozy fire - it is very hard to find motivation for anything else...

 This week we started decorating the house, we put up our little Christmas tree and hung a simple branch on the wall which I then decorated with little metallic bird ornaments - I like the simple, clean look and we might keep it the whole year round, perhaps changing the ornaments each season.

Have a nice weekend!


Nori, besni in krasni december je tu in čas mi polzi skozi prste. Prejšnji konec tedna sem pripravljala adventni koledar za otroka - leseni okvir z mrežo smo naredili že lansko leto, letos je bilo samo treba najti dovolj zanimiva mala presenečenja (ki niso vsa čokoladna) za v papirnate škrniclje. Poleg tega skoraj vsak dan besno kidam sneg, ki ga je v zadnjem tednu zapadlo že 30 cm in še toliko ga bo menda preko tega vikenda... Moja instagram razglednica kaže šele začetke sneženja, zdajle je slika že precej boj bela. Mačku sneg sega do ušes in rad se igra v njem, a le dokler ga ne zazebe v tačke in potem gre oddremat eno rundo pred kamin.
Ta teden smo začeli z okraševanjem hiše, postavili smo malo smrečico in na steno obesili vejo, ki sem jo odrezala v bližnji giščavi še preden je zapadel sneg. Nanjo sem obesila kovinske ptičke in rezultat nam je vsem zelo všeč - morda vejo kar pustimo za stalno.

Imejte lep vikend!

Tuesday, 27 November 2012


These days I am adding mostly smaller items to my shop; tree ornaments, brooches and zipper pouches - they make perfect Christmas gifts :-)

I offer free giftwrapping for all my items upon request and I also attach a handmade blank card for a personal message - just let me know in the message to seller that you are offering your Loddelina design as a gift.
Yesterday I posted a larger order of such little gifts and it is on its way to a lovely customer in Budapest - thank you again!

Te dni dodajam v trgovino manjše izdelke, kot so hiške okraski, broške in torbice na zadrgo - imenitna darila za praznike :-) Če želite svojo Loddelino podariti, mi to sporočite ob nakupu in brezplačno bom zavila vsa darilca in dodala prazno voščilnico. paket takšnih darilc sem včeraj oddala na pošto in že leti proti Budimpešti...

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Week in pictures

Taken from my Instagram album:
Another week deeper into winter and the streets of Pontarlier are putting on their Christmas decoration. Somebody in our house doesn't seem to be impressed by approaching holidays - Tigrou enjoys quiet time when children are at school...
Sunsets are particularly picturesque this time of year and there are some lovely winter flowers and branches growing near our house, perfect for a bouquet.

And tonight I listed four new items in my shop: three sets of Christmas ornaments and a new zippered pouch. You are welcome to take a closer look!

Teden v slikah
iz mojega Instagram albuma: mesto Pontarlier se odeva v božično okrasje, maček Tigr se za to ne zmeni in uživa v dopoldanski tišini, ko sta otroka v šoli. V tem času so sončni zahodi še posebej slikoviti in okoli hiše najdem lep pušeljc suhih vej za v vazo!
In v moji trgovini so štirje novi izdelki, trije kompletki hišk okraskov in ena nova puščica na zadrgo. Vabljeni na ogled!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Week in pictures

I am introducing a weekly post of selected Instagram pictures that sum up a week of inspiration, work, and fun behind Loddelina designs.
Sadly, I had to make my Instagram account private because it got spammed beyond control so unless you are following my feed you can no longer see the pictures (you are welcome to look for my account under @loddelina and send a request to follow).

First here are some images from week before last, spent in Slovenia, visiting my family, running some errands and sometimes walking my parents' dog Miško.

I spotted this old couple in Ljubljana one day - they were holding hands like newlyweds, exchanging a few words but mostly silently walking alongside, enjoying each other's company. And then there's Miško, enjoying his treat after a long walk. The woods around my parents' house are magical this time of year and even old churches look mysterious on dark and cloudy days.

Second set of pictures was taken back in France, where days are getting quite chilly and in the morning everyting is covered with a layer of frost  - I find this very charming excep when I have to scrape it off the windshield before driving my children to school. But frosty foggy mornings mean beautiful sunny afternoons so Tigger the cat spends as much time in the fresh air as possible - if not, he gets very bored in the evenings...

Have a nice Friday and the weekend head!

::   ::   ::  

Teden v slikah (skrajšana verzija, je že pozna ura...)

Tokrat nekaj slikovnih utrinkov iz moje Instagramove galerije - profil sem bila prisiljen zakleniti za javnost, ker so me do vratu zasuli s spamom. (Tako so slike trenutno dostopne le sledilcem, če pa želite to postati, me na Instagramu najdete pod @loddelina).
Prvi šopek slik je z mojega obiska Slovenije, drugi pa je nastal po vrnitvi v Francijo.

Želim en prijazen petek in lep vikend!

Monday, 12 November 2012

Shop news

it is nice to see you again, I am back from my autumn break with two new items in my shop, another set of Christmas tree ornaments and a flat zippered pouch with branch embroidery and a little hungry bird.
Our cat is especially concerned about birds (he keeps staring at them through the window...)
so don't forget to buy some bird seeds before the real winter cold comes and have a great start of the new week!

lepo vas je spet videti, sem že nazaj z jesenskih počitnic in v trgovini sta dva nova izdelka, set božičnih obeskov in puščica na zadrgo z vezenino lačnega ptička. Našega mačka še posebej skrbi za ptice, ki jih ostro opazuje skozi okno, zato ne pozabite kupiti ptičje piče preden pride pravi zimski mraz in imejte lep začetek novega tedna!

Wednesday, 31 October 2012


I will be away from the studio for one week while I visit my hometown Ljubljana - the shop will stay opened but items, purchased from 1st to 8th November will be shipped on the 9th.

I hope you have a great week and I leave you with these beautiful images of Slovenia.
See you soon!

Loddelina si bo vzela en teden odmora, medtem ko grem na obisk v domovino - trgovina ostaja odprta, vsi izdelki, prodani med 1. in 8. novembrom, bodo poslani 9. novembra.

Upam, da boste preživeli prijeten teden, posredujem vam tale super video (hvala, Sonja, za link!), nasvidenje do prihodnjič!

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

A cat in the frame

This past weekend I have been working on some new tiny house Christmas ornaments and a custom Leelou bag, a smaller messenger style bag with adjustable shoulder strap and this is a result -

I used two colours of cotton webbing for the strap, a salmon orange corduroy and warm grey upholstery fabric for the body and I ecru coloured ric rac trim with pale blue embroidery and zipper for decoration. As I was taking the pictures of the bag yesterday, I couldn't keep Tigrou the cat away from my reflecting silver foil that I use for counter ligh - it makes a delightful swishing sound that made him constantly jump into the picture frame!

Tigrou is settling in very well, after three weeks of staying exclusively indoors I started showing him the outdoors. We had a few excursions together with him safely on the cat harness and leash. Now that he understands this is his new home, I can let him out of the house on his own for short intervals and after 15 minutes or so he comes miaowing back - the chilly autumn weather also helps him return faster - no amount of freedom can replace a warm spot by the fire...

Pretekli konec tedna sem izdelala nekaj novih hišk - božičnih okraskov in dokončala naročilo - torbico Leelou, manjšo torbo s poklopcem za nošenje preko rame.

Naramnica je izdelana iz dveh različnih barv, torbica pa je iz oranžnega rebrastega žameta in sivega  tapetniškega blaga, okrašena s svetlim cik cak trakom ter bledo modro vezenino in zadrgo. Medtem ko sem torbico fotografirala, se mi je maček Tigrou kar naprej silil v kader, ker ga je privabljalo šelestenje srebrne folije, ki jo uporabljam za odboj svetlobe.
Tigrou se lepo privaja na novi dom, po treh tednih hišnega zapora sem ga začela počasi voditi na vrt, varno pripetega z oprsnico, zdaj pa ga lahko že spustim za krajši čas samega raziskovati okolico in po 15 minutak primijavka nazaj, mrzlo jesensko vreme ga prej prižene domov - svoboda ni nič v primerjavi s foteljem ob ognjišču...

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Christmas tree ornaments

I love my little house brooches and have a lot of fun making them, picking little fabric leftovers and matching them with tiny pieces of wool felt. The truth is they don't sell as much as they seem to be popular by Etsy treasury makers, but I don't give up :)

This holiday season I decided to try out another tiny house design, a set of three house ornaments, embroidered with holiday message of love, hope and peace. Ornaments hang from a long organza ribbon and are ready to attach to a tree or any other place in your home.

So far I have listed two sets of ornaments in my shop, there are more in the making, so stay tuned...

Okraski za božično jelko

Rada imam moje male hiške broške in uživam, ko zanje izbiram ostanke blaga in koščke volnene polsti. Sicer se še daleč ne prodajajo tako množično, kot jih sestavljalke zakladnic na Etsyju uvrščajo v svoje zbirke, a jaz se ne dam :)

To predbožično sezono sem se odločila preizkusiti nov izdelek, set treh majhnih hišk z izvezenim sporočilom ljubezni, upanja in miru. Hiške okraski visijo na dolgem traku iz organce in zo pripravljene za obešanje na jelko ali kamorkoli drugam v vašem domu.

Zaenkrat sem v trgovino dodala dva seta obeskov, a v delu jih imam še nekaj...

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Shop news

I added four new zipper pouches in my shop today, a collection of wool cloth purses with silk patches, embroidery and lace trim.

Next I have some special orders to work on and some more new designs for winter season.

See you soon!


Danes sem v trgovino dodala štiri nove torbice, kolekcijo iz volnenega blaga z dodatkom svile, čipke in vezenine.
Trenutno imam v delu nekaj posebnih naročil, nameravam pa se lotiti tudi novih torbic za zimsko sezono.

Imejte se!

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Work in progress

There are some half finished Mia zipper pouches on my sewing table this weekend,
a revisit of my favourite materials, darker wool cloth with brighter silk patches, lace trims and freehand machine embroidery. I love drawing with thread and these autumn branches, sometimes adorned with beads and sometimes bare, go very well with cotton lace trim, they remind me of traditional, ethnic motifs of Slavic heritage.

If all goes well I should have these pouches in my shop on Tuesday.

Enjoy your sunday!

V delu

Na moji šivalni mizi je nekaj na pol končanih žepkov na zadrgo Mia, v že videni
+++ kombi777777777jyi788888naciji (Tigr, spravi se dol z moje tipkovnice!) volnenega blaga v temnejših tonih in svetlejše svile, okrašene s čipko in prostoročno strojno vezenino. Rada rišem z nitjo in te jesenske vejice, včasih gole, včasih pošite s koraldami, se lepo ujemajo s čipko, spominjajo me na etnične motive slovanske kulturne dediščine.

Če bo šlo vse po načrtih, bodo nove torbice v trgovini ta torek.
Lepo nedeljo želim!

Friday, 21 September 2012

No more a pet-free studio!

Loddelina designs are no longer made in a pet-free studio - as from Tuesday we are a family of five, the youngest member is a warm grey tabby we adopted from the local animal shelter.

His shelter name is Bourriquet, French for Eeyore from Winnie The Pooh, but we don't find him depressed and cynical at all, quite the opposite, he is the friendliest, cuddliest cat I have ever had (and I've had many...). For now he goes by the name of Tigger (Tigrou in French) but if my daughter is anything like I was at her age, the cat will have 15 different nicknames by Christmas. Tigrou is a castrated, 2 something years old male and he is already feeling very comfortable in his new home. We have to keep him indoors for about a month until he understands this is his new home and can be let out in the garden.


... and after  
... in potem

Tigrou gets a bit bored at times because he was used to share his space with at least 20 other shelter cats so he amuses himself by running up and down the stairs and chasing some toys I sewed for him, filled with catnip. He follows us everywhere around the house and demands to be cuddled - at night he sleeps in my sewing room, otherwise he would climb into our beds and smother us with kisses so we wouldn't be able to sleep...

::  ::  ::  

Loddelina ne ustvarja več v brezmačjem studiu, v torek se je naša družina povečala na pet članov, zadnji dodatek je peščeno siv tigrast maček, ki smo ga posvojili iz bližnjega zavetišča za živali.

Ime mu je Bourriquet oz. Sivček iz knjige Medvedek Pu, a se nam ne zdi nič kaj otožen in ciničen, ravno nasprotno, je najbolj prijazna in crkljiva mačka, kar sem jih kdaj imela (in imela sem jih že veliko...). Zaenkrat sliši na ime Tigr (Togrou po Francosko), a če mi je moja hči kaj podobna, bo imel maček do Božiča vsaj 15 različnih nadimkov. Tigrou je kastriran in star nekaj čes 2 leti, v novem domu pa se počuti že zelo udobno. V hiši mora ostati zaprt kakšen mesec, dokler ne bo razumel, da je to njegov novi dom in ga bomo lahko spustili tudi na vrt.

Tigrou se včasih malce dolgočasi, ker je bil v zavetišču vajen bivati z vsaj 20 drugimi mačkami, zato se pri nas zabava tako, da dirka gor in dol po stopnicah in se podi za igračkami, ki sem mu jih zašila in napolnila z mačjo travo. Povsod nam sledi in zahteva božanje - ponoči zato spi v moji šivalnici, sicer bi skakal po posteljah in nas zasipaval s poljubčki, da sploh ne bi mogli spati...

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Custom wristlet

I just listed a custom wristlet in red corduroy and striped canvas with a removable strap and an interior zippered pocket - this cheerful combination of red, plum, orange and teal colours seems to be very popular...

This is the first item I photographed in our new home but the setting stays the same;
natural light withour direct sunlight,
a table or a flat chair, placed close to the window,
two different neutral cardboards for background (I prefer placing white or cream white on the bottom and another, slightly darker in the back)
and a light reflecting foil that reduces dark shadows (a "survival blanket", thin silver/gold foil you can find in any sports and leisure shop, that I attached to a piece of cardboard).

I shoot all my item pictures with a small compact camera Canon IXUS 85 IS that has been faithfully serving me for these past three years. I have to adjust contrast, hue and saturation in PhotoShop, mainly because some fabrics are more difficult to capture in true colours than others, as is the case with this bright red corduroy, but good pictures are the most important feature in shoping online, right?

I hope you are having a nice Wednesday,

Till next time!

Torbica po meri

Pravkar sem v trgovino dodala novo "zapestnico" iz rdečega rebrastega žameta in črtastega platna, s snemljivim ročajem in notranjim žepkom na zadrgo - ta živahna kombinacija rdečih, purpurnih, oranžnih in turkiznih tonov je očitno zelo priljubljena...

To je prvi izdelek, ki sem ga fotografirala v novi hiši, vendar ostaja seznam fotografskih pripomočkov enak;
naravna svetloba brez direktnih sončnih žarkov,
miza ali stol, postavljen blizu okna,
dva različna kartona v nevtralnih tonih za ozadje (za podlago imam najraje belo ali skoraj belo, za ozadje pa nekoliko temnejšo barvo)
in svetlobo odbijajoča folija, ki zmehča temne sence (uporabljam na karton pritrjeno srebrno/zlato folijo, ki se kot odeja za primer nesreče dobi v trgovinah s športno in pohodniško opremo)

Vse fotografije izdelkov posnamem z majhnim Canonom IXUS 85 IS, ki mi zvesto služi zadnja tri leta. V PhotoShopu moram sicer malce popraviti barvo, kontrast in nasičenost, a predvsem zato, ker je nekatere tekstilije težje fotografirati kot druge, a verodostojne fotografije so najpomembnejši del spletne prodaje, ne?

Imejte se,
čau do naslednjič!

Friday, 31 August 2012

I'm back!

But not quite yet - my future sewing room is still burried under piles of boxes, things somehow didn't organise themselves while I was on holiday, sigh...

I am back to work, though, the Etsy shop is reopened and waiting for new designs (soon, I promise!) and in the meanwhile I am giving some old pieces of furniture a new look. Our future guest room / my sewing room is a mix of furniture in different colours of wood that don't really match, so I decided to paint one of them in warm gray - I will use its shelves for storing my fabrics and other sewing material. I can't wait to show you the results!

And while I spend these rainy afternoons in the garage, with sandpaper and painting roller, I like to take a break with a cup of green tea, flipping through the pages of September issue of Glamour to get aquainted with the latest trends, just in case. (I am not sure if my designs ever reflect fashion trends, I am more likely to follow day to day inspirations).

See you soon,
Have a great weekend!

Turning beechwood colour into warm grey that will go better with my soft lime green walls.
Barva bukovega lesa se preminja v toplo sivo, ki bo šla lepše k novi steni v nežni limetino zeleni.

Rain, rain and more rain
Dež, dež in spet dež.

Sem že nazaj!

Čeprav še ne popolnoma - moja prihodnja šivalnica je še vedno zakopana v kupe škatel, ki se nekako niso hotele spraviti v red, medtem, ko sem bila na počitnicah...

Sem pa nazaj v elementu, Etsy trgovinica je spet odprta in čaka na nove izdelke (kmalu, obljubim!), jaz pa medtem predelujem nekatere stare kose pohištva. Bodoča soba za goste / moja šivalnica je namreč mešanica omar iz različnih koncev, vsak kos je v drugačni barvi lesa, ki se med seboj ne razumejo najbolje, zato sem se odločila, da eno od omar prebarvam v toplo sivo - uporabila jo bom za shranjevanje blaga in drugega šivalnega materijala. Komaj čakam, da vam pokažem rezultate!

In medtem ko deževne popoldneve preživljam v garaži s "šmirgl" papirjem in čopičem v roki, si rada vzamem odmor ob skodelici zelenega čaja in ob listanju septembrske številke Glamourja, da se seznanim z najnovejšimi smernicami, za vsak primer. (Nisem prepričana, da moje delo odraža modne trende, sama raje sledim trenutnemu navdihu).

Se vidimo kmalu,
En lep vikend želim!

Friday, 3 August 2012

August news

Hello, my friends,

our move is still very much on the way, there are boxes of stuff everywhere in the house and I am slowly making sense of it, finding the right place for everything and throwing as much as I can away (the hardest part for me since I am a gatherer by nature...). I have managed to organise the rooms we use the most but my sewing room is still one big pile of boxes, waiting to be sorted out when I return from my summer holidays...

Here is a glimpse of our new home, the house is a modern, energy saving square wooden structure with lively coloured exterior and a flat roof. So far I am trying to grow some grass in one part the garden for children's play but most of our land is still untamed wilderness that will have to wait for an experienced gardener with some serious tools and knowledge in weed control. Our row of houses is situated next to cycling/walking path and many beautiful field flowers grow along that path - Lily picked me this lovely bouquet yesterday (she turned 4 yesterday but the big birthday celebration is schedulled for next week in Slovenia).
We like to enjoy our late afternoons on the sunny terasse in front of our living room but will have to wait another year or so before the land sets in completely and we can build something on the pebbles (pictured here with my favourite if completely warn down summer shoes).

And in all this moving and cleaning frenzy I didn't notice that my Etsy shop celebrated it's 3rd anniversary last week! The shop is on slow mode these days and I am grateful to all who include my items in their beautiful treasuries - thank you! After this weekend I will have to put the shop on standby until the end of August, when I return with fresh ideas for new designs.

Have a lovely weekend and see you soon!

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

I'm still here

... just busy organizing my days between two places; our old home, where we sleep and cook, since the new one doesn't have electricity yet, and the new one, where we spend our days assembling furniture, except when we run out of parts and we have to go back to Ikea...

Buying a chair or a side table at Ikea is easy but when you are shopping for a kitchen, you never can tell if you have all the necessary parts, all you worry about is whether it will all fit in your car... But going back to Ikea is always fun, the only downside is the long drive - at least the scenery towards Dijon is gorgeous this time of year.

Till next time!

Še sem tukaj,
le strašno zaposlena z organizacijo našega bivanja med dvema lokacijama; našim starim stanovanjem, kjer še vedno spimo in si kuhamo, saj v novi hiši elektrika še ni priklopljena, ter novim domom, kjer dneve preživljamo v sestavljanju pohištva, razen, kadar nam zmanjka delov in je treba nazaj v Ikeo...

Kupiti stol ali majhno mizico v Ikei je mala malica ampak ko kupuješ kuhinjo, nikoli ne veš, če si res vzel vse potrebne kose, po glavi ti gre samo to, kako boš vse skupaj zbasal v avto... A iti v Ikeo je vedno zabavno, edina slaba stran je dolga vožnja - k sreči je pokrajina proti Dijonu v tem letnem času še posebej čarobna.

Do naslednjič!

Saturday, 30 June 2012

It's official!

We have the keys to our new house! Yesterday evening, as the sun was setting, we signed the papers and checked all the details - the house needs a few finishing touches that are scheduled in the next weeks but we are happy to be able to start moving our boxes and furniture, assembling the new kitchen and slowly settling in during the month of July.

But first a bit of cleaning and dusting (the street outside our new row of houses won't be paved before this fall so there is a lot of dust in the air). During this period of switching internet locations and waiting for electricity in the new house I will not be blogging much but you can still check my Instagram album for new photos from the house (click the Instagram on the right of the screen).

Have a great weekend!

Hoho, zdaj imamo tudi uradno ključe nove hiške! Včeraj zvečer smo ob sončnem zahodu podpisali papirje in preverili vse malenkosti - hiša je potrebna še nekaterih lepotnih popravkov, ki so naročeni v prihodnjih nekaj tednih, a midva sva srečna, da lahko končno začneva seliti škatle in pohištvo, montirati novo kuhinjo in se v Juliju počasi ustaliti na svojem.

Ampak najprej je na vrsti čiščenje in brisanje prahu (ulica pred našimi vrstnimi hiškami bo asfaltirana šele jeseni, zato je v zraku veliko prahu). Medtem, ko selimo internetni priključek in čakamo na elektriko v novi hiši, ne bom veliko objavljala, lahko pa pokukate v moj foto albumu na Instagramu (kliknite na gumb Instagram na desni strani ekrana).

En lep in ne prevroč vikend želim!

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Three years!

We have been so busy with our move that I almost forgot to celebrate Loddelina's third blogoversary!
I am very grateful to all of you who follow my posts and leave kind and much appreciated comments - your feedback inspires me and gives me motivation to create!

Thank you for being friends of Loddelina,

P.S. After three years of blogging in English it is time to make this blog bilingual :) Živjo, Slovenija!

Ker smo zadnje čase tako zelo zaposleni z našo selitvijo v novo hišo, sem skoraj pozabila obeležiti tretjo obletnico Loddelininega bloga! Zelo sem hvaležna vsem, ki spremljate moje objave in puščate prijazne in zelo dobrodošle komentarje - vaše besede me navdihujejo in dajejo moji ustvarjalnosti krila!

Hvala, da ostajate prijatelji Loddeline,

Friday, 22 June 2012

On its way

The finished custom made organizer is on its way to the lovely customer - I hope she likes it!

It's time I pack up my sewing machine and supplies and get them ready for the move...

See you soon,
Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

My creative space

Today I am working on a custom order, a handbag organizer for a very special customer. She was so kind to send me a picture and detailed description of all the items she usually carries in her bag so I could design the pockets accordingly.

Here are a few pictures of work in progress: the base of organizer is linen blend canvas in taupe and the  pockets are a patchwork of pastel prints and stripes.

There is also a zippered pocket, two swivel hooks for keys and a custom embroidered quote - I freehand machine embroidered each word and then tied the loose threads in the back; a bit more work than connecting the words together in one sentence but it is worth it!

I will post pictures of finished organizer soon!

Friday, 8 June 2012

My new business cards have arrived!

I ordered some new business cards from Vistaprint just a week ago and today they arrived in the post!
I used one of their special offers and ordered 250 premium cards (blank in the back) for free, with a small charge for uploading my own image instead of using their predesigned template (though I find many of them very nice) and the price of postage.

I composed my background in PhotoShop, choosing a solid taupe colour and placing a small image in the corner.  I then chose a blank Vistaprint template, uploaded my image and added text (red dots are from Symbols font).

I am very happy with the result! True, the cards have matt finish and are not as glamurous as Moo cards but they will serve their purpose very well for the price of 3.5 Euro cent per card.

Have a great weekend, everyone, see you soon!

Monday, 4 June 2012

My Day Monday


It doesn't have to be a gloomy day - here are some cheerful items from talented ladies of European Street Team on Etsy: rainy fairy brooch from lacravatteduchien, silver cloud earrings from Nafsika, umbrella necklace from SilentRoses and Summer rain wellies watercolour from HandyHappy.

I hope you are having a creative start of the new week!

Friday, 1 June 2012

June is here. June is here ?!!!

We are one month away from moving into our new house and the excitement is rising (so are piles of boxes all over the flat).

I hope you will bare with me in this busy time and forgive me if I skip a Loddelina newsletter or two - I will compensate the lack of new items in my shop by posting updates on our home decorations. We are moving into a newly built house and there will be a lot of work adapting our "vagabond" furniture to the new spaces - some of the furniture has been with us since our first home in France, has spent time in storage, was relocated to Germany and to France again. We will have to install a brand new kitchen before we can move in and our bare gardern will be nowhere near ready to welcome two impatient children who will have just started their summer break...

I leave you with latest two items from the shop, little canvas zippered pouches - very practical for storing smaller items in your purse or as cosmetic and gadget cases.

Have a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend!

Monday, 21 May 2012

My day Monday


It has been too long since I posted my last Monday moodboard. Today the inspiration came from the sky - lately it has been rainy and gray with occasional pearly white clouds. It might sound gloomy but is in fact a surprisingly cheerful combination when you browse through Etsy.  

Here is my Monday selection of Team shops, clockwise from top left: DreamsFactory, frenchfelt, mariastudio, LaNiqueHOME.

Have a creative week!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

May Newsletter

Hello again,
here is just a quick reminder that the May issue of Loddelina newsletter is out today - click on the top left of this page to subscribe to my monthly newsletter and get all the news, promotional codes and more.

And as I unpack my suitcases, I am already planning new projects for my Etsy shop that has reopened again.

Have a wonderful Friday, everyone!

Loddelina designs - since 2001

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